Marettimo expedition, 8th to 30th November 2024

Although we are calling it by its conventional name, the three weeks with Xie Chuan in November will be more of an expedition rather than 'a retreat'. The attention to flow continuously inward, but the focus is searchingly active, a piercing awareness that leads to transformation.

As we experienced on Marettimo last spring, Qihearts practice moves beyond the boundaries of form and method. We will have at our fingertips the fa and zhuang of Zhineng Qigong's levels 1 and 2 guided by Kinthissa. Level 3 is our starting place, not our destination.

Qihearts meditations while sitting, exploring deep within the bodymind; ZhanZhuang holding mind in standing qigong; the dynamic practices ChiQi, ChenQi, JuQi, timeless immersion in deep sound healing. There is also the immensely effective L-sitting which opens the spinal and lower limb channels releasing mind to its true element, blue sky.

Each of us can move to a higher state of being.

Our days will take shape organically. There is incredible terrain to explore. Solo practice contemplating Sky Earth Sea. An Eleonora's Falcon passing over late in the season, heading for Cap Bon, Tunisia, a mere 130km to the southwest. It characteristically travels alone on phenomenal journeys days and nights in length, all the way from its nesting sites on vertiginous islands in the Mediterranean back to its favourite wintering grounds, Madagascar.

We are there to deepen practice, reflect upon and clarify our understanding of what means 'qigong'.

The teaching fee for the 21 day seminar will be 1,470 euro.

Please write for more information ~ [email protected]

