Before we forget, Marettimo, March April 2024

Xie Laoshi asks for reflection.Today he said he would like all of us to try and recall what we experienced in the qigong sessions.

He said : the legs heavy, body heavy. This heavy will make you forget your experiences very quickly. You need to summarize them or else they will be lost and you will never get understanding from your experience.

Before too late, he said, try to remember. Remember what we did. Recall as best you can your sensations, your perception of what was happening in you and around you.


We will make a place where we can discuss these things. But let us not all wait for that to happen; I suggest that we begin writing down our thoughts right away, to get started. Here are some initial thoughts from me.

Off-line and on-line with Teacher Xie Chuan :

Until March this year, I only knew Xie Laoshi from zoom sessions starting in August 2021 which have been continuous until now. The on-line teaching has been direct and intense. When he came to Europe in March, I organized a week's workshop with him simply because the opportunity presented itself but without feeling any particular need to.

It was a joy to meet him. Strangely, face to face the communication became nearly wordless. So were the qigong sessions we had with him. He had not come to instruct us in methods and techniques. Those had been attended to in two years+ of online seminars. Perhaps a couple of people had expected to review material on the inner organs, or had hoped to get a grip on the more challenging sections of xingshenzhuang (level 2, BodySpirit form). It turned out that we were there for what can only happen live.

Early mornings began with ZhanZhuang and it really was 'holding mind in standing meditation'. For two years we had been told, there is no position. Held in the warmth of the manifested qifield, one stood still.

The qigong in the afternoons and evenings occurred without instruction. The realization dawned : Laoshi was simply being with us. The poised relaxedness of the mind is physically palpable. It entered us deeply. Full in being, we sat and communicated in harmony and health.

The meditations were so simple that we felt we were doing nothing. Yet they had a powerful effect.

Which brings me to today, we are back on-line and it was day 1 of our April seminar. Live learning still warm in my bodymind, I was startled by the force of focus that occurs in these zoom sessions with Xie Laoshi. Mind to mind opens unremitting instruction. It is stark, single-pointed. Time is eclipsed.

